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1st Rebranding Africa Forum: emergence of Africa in the spotlight

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Equatorial Guinea horizon 2020, Togo vision 2030, Emergent Gabon… Different Terminologies but the concept is the same. African countries have been aspiring since a few years to emergence. It is moreover what justifies the holding on 18th October in Brussels (Belgium) of the first Rebranding Africa Forum. Several decision-makers from the continent are expected at this international meeting.

Introduced by Notre Afrik magazine, Rebranding Africa Forum aims to be the framework where profound changes needed by Africa today are discussed in order to turn over a new leaf and attract essential partners to face the development challenge.

According to Thierry HOT, the boss of Notre Afrik magazine, the meeting of Brussels will allow the African continent « to have a background to realize the emergence. Not this political emergence only shown at the end of infrastructural programs, but especially an adequate platform to reinvent tomorrow thanks to a new state of mind that leads more certainly to a self-managed and auto-maintained development. »

For this Rebranding Africa Forum first edition, communications presented by experts of the continent will concern employment, private sector, regional integration, women in the development processes and media among other.

The Pan-African magazine, Notre Afrik, is created in 2010. It has as mission to redo the tarnished image of Africa (war, disease, poverties…). In spite of big ambitions the promoter of the event is carrying, Thierry Hot stays realistic.

« Rebranding Africa Forum is not a magic wand that will transform as if by magic the troubles of the continent into marvels, the pumpkins in beautiful drive! The meeting of Brussels wants to put without complacency the diagnosis of the movement of Africa today.

This current situation should result in a responsible road map susceptible to operate the necessary changes for a new start: change of self-image, other people’s opinion, change and/or refinement of strategies, more efficient establishment of win-win partnerships, etc. », he specified in an interview granted to Diasporas-News.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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