Actors from the civil society of Africa are meeting from 15th to 19th October in Dakar (Senegal) within the framework of the 7th African Social Forum. Placed under the theme « which solutions for African social movements« , the meeting will allow the participants to give their contributions in search of solutions for crises that weaken the African continent. Foreign organizations as Oxfam announced their participation in the forum.
Natural resources and economic growth of Africa make of it a territory courted by the major powers of the world. Except the traditional partners of the continent as Europe, China and the USA henceforth grant a particular attention to the continent. The recent USA-AFRICA Summit (held in Washington in August 2014) and the multiple actions by China in Africa are suggestive.
According to the steering committee of the 7th African Social Forum, the desire of the world major powers to make of Africa « a fortress » does not help the continent. « This process aiming at building a « fortress Europe » by all means takes place in the context of exacerbation of the systematic capitalism crisis strongly marked by multisector-based crises as energy, food, climatic, social, financial, identical and cultural crises. It explains that we assimilate the present capitalism crisis to a « civilization crisis », it is what can be read on the official site of the forum.
Several subjects as training and employment, franc area, climatic change will be tackled during the works. The Burkenese artist, Smarty, winner of the RFI Discovery Award is also announced in Dakar as the Senegalese, Bidew Bou Bess, Shula, Africa Djengeli, Kaw Kaw.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO