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Afrik’A Joué: 30 days to explore African cultures

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The Cities of Indre and Loire have been vibrating since last 18th October at the rhythm of the 7th edition of Afrik’ A Joué festival and this until next 18th November.

Initiated by the « Tous Ensemble 37 » association, AFRIK ‘ A JOUE is a cultural project essentially dedicated to scenic arts such as music and dancing.

It stands as a forum in favor of a better knowledge of African culture.

According to the organizers, the festival is intended to offer an exciting cultural moment that, beyond festive activities, participates in the creation a synergy within the city of Joué-lès-Tours.

The justification of the project is in this approach that consists in creating conditions of a meeting around the dancing and African traditional music with its related effects: carry the festival to the heart of the city to incorporate it to the annual agenda of Joué-lès-Tours.

The profits of such an event concern several levels. For the promoters, it is a matter of creating a mutual enrichment in the intercultural dialogue while sharing values and common feelings beyond differences.

The festival also aims at creating of social link through meetings around an event that could be annualized in the cultural diary of the city.

Besides, this meeting offers the opportunity to participate in the integration of the inhabitants of Joué-lès-Tours, coming from different cultures.

Here below is the detailed program:

On Saturday, 18th October: Closed Doors of Joué lès Tours.

– 9 am to 12 am: opening by dancing refresher course and African percussion

– 15 pm to 5 pm: African traditional Tales coupled with music: by the storyteler Robert, NANA from Burkina Faso (workshop: initiation to tale « Tell me your story« ). Title of the show: « Zoét Gom Naba or the man who is afraid of quarrels ».

– 5:30pm / 6:30pm: aperitif / opening of the Festival / Slide show projection TE 37

– 2 pm to 5 pm: African art exhibitions, « Draw Me Africa » exhibition with delivery of children’s various drawings on the theme, price.

– 8:30 pm / 00:30 am: meal / animation and dancing, musical groups performance

Wednesday, 22nd October 2014 at 3:30 pm: media library of Joué lès Tours.
Story telling at the media library of Joué lès Tours by Robert Nana.

Friday, 24th October 2014 at 8:30 pm: Andre Malraux Square.
The famous humorist, Pie Tshibanda will make his show « A Black madman in the country of the Whites ».

Friday, 14th November 2014 at 6:30 pm: Jacques Brel room.

The bass player from Reunion, Drayen Labie will present a conference on the theme of integration of rhythmic traditions of Indian Ocean in jazz music, followed by a concert to illustrate the comment, in trio « Kissa i Lé » (crossed jazz).

From 12th till 30th November 2014: gallery of Rabiere Park.

Exhibition of wood and metal carving by the Bukinabe sculptor, Fodé Bayo.


Original textby: Blaise AKAME

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