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Afrimarket: More closer to Ivorians with Prosuma group

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The Prosuma group, the Nr1 in distribution in Ivory Coast, announced on 5th December to have signed a partnership with the leader in cash-to-goods payment, Afrimarket. The Ivorians from the Diaspora can henceforth use the Afrimarket solution to pay directly from a distance the shopping of their close relations in Abidjan, in various brands of the group.

The payment solution of Afrimarket was at first experienced at Hyper Hayat, situated in Cap Sud (South Cape), Casino Allabra (North Cape) and at Cash Center Plateau in Abidjan, before being spread to other stores of the group.

« We are delighted to be partner of Prosuma that is known in the area for the quality of its products and the attraction of its stores« , declared Aboubacar Silue, the regional manager for Africa of Afrimarket.

« We got a big demand from the Diaspora for the opening of a strong partnership with emblematic stores such as Cap-Nord and Cap-Sud« , he continued.

Simple, secured and easily accessible, Afrimarket is at the same time a means of money transfer and an on-line sale site. It proposes to its subscribers the possibility of paying their invoice of distance purchases. For the African Diaspora worried about the health and the living conditions of their family stayed on the continent, Afrimarket is far the best solution.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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