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Benin: cities soon light up by solar lampposts

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Gen FDS-10815

University Campus as well as the main roads of Beninese big cities are going to twinkle soon at nights by means of solar lampposts.

A project occurring within the framework of the development program of renewable energies in Benin, will soon enter its active phase.

According to a communiqué from Beninese government, the program, financed by the West African economic and monetary Union (UEMOA) at the level of 2 225 000 000 FCFA, has for objective to assure in Benin, the availability of an alternative energy to the conventional energy, particularly photovoltaic energy.

« This program contains four components namely: the supply and the installation of solar lampposts at the level of universities and main roads of our cities; the supply and the installation of the solar kits in favor of the households; the supply and the installation of solar mini-power plants in the rural localities and the supply and the installation of water pumps with solar function for rustic water conveyance », explained the communiqué published last Tuesday in Cotonou.

The power sector in Benin registered crises more or less important these late ten years. Crises essentially due to chronic shortages of electrical energy by regular power cuts which seriously affect all socioeconomic activities of the country.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME