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CSR Awards in Africa: 8 finalist companies listed

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EU-AFRICA Chamber of Commerce (CCUEA) with the support of the European Commission and Afreximbank bank, will reward the best projects of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) launched in sub-Saharan Africa on the coming 26th November.

An official reception evening will thus be organized to honor the prize-winners of the first edition of the « CSR Awards in Africa« .

Over about forty projects submitted, 8 companies are selected to continue the competition for the last stage. They are: Cocopack, Deutsche DHL, Ecofund, Frigoken, Kakuzi, Newmont Ghana, Woolworths.

We should note that the « CSR Awards in Africa » by CCUEA aims at giving a better visibility to the best CSR projects operated in sub-Saharan Africa, making sensitive and presenting the CSR as a tool of performance and competitiveness, encouraging « Shared Value Approach » regarding CSR as well as the implication of African and European private sector.

Three big categories were defined: the « Award for sustainable economy« , the « Award for Environment » and « Award for social impact« .

There are also two categories of distinction: Award for « promising Project » and « Be Inspired » Award.

The Chief Executive Officer for the EU-AFRICA Chamber of Commerce, Serguei Ouattara, clarified: « This ceremony will also mark the official launching of the edition 2015 of the CSR Prizes in Africa; what is timely to prepare the European Year for Development« .

« 2015, European Year for Development » (EYD2015) plans in fact to give more visibility to the best practices in cooperation regarding development.

Furthermore, a recent communication made by the European Commission pleads for: « the strengthening of the role of the private sector in the realization of including and sustainable growth in developing countries » and presents in this way, the implication of the private sector as the new dimension in the cooperation for development of the EU.

CCUEA sees in its « CRS Awards in Africa » an added value to its mission which is: to promote a sustainable development of the African private sector, and encourage win-win partnerships between the European private sector and the African private sector.

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