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Dakar: capital of security in Africa

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After the Francophony summit held on 29th and 30th November of this year, the Senegalese capital welcomes another high-level meeting: the International Forum dedicated to peace and security in Africa.

Planned on 15th and 16th December, this big meeting will gather political decision-makers and specialists of security in Africa.

According to the Senegalese authorities, the meeting will be a time of thorough reflections intended to help the decision-makers to face the multi-form crises.

It will thus help to create a real reflection strategic space in order to strengthen the relations between the actors concerned by the crises, the conflicts and the instability in its multiple dimensions on the Black continent.

« The Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security derived from the final declaration adopted by the summit of the Élysée in order to deepen the reflection on the commitments made during the summit for peace and security in Africa« , reminded on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Senegalese abroad, Mankeur Ndiaye (photo).

It is about a space where political decision-makers, heads of State, Prime Ministers, Ministers, heads of armed and security forces, persons in charge of the African Union will put together with academics, researchers, experts, specialists of security in the various panels and in the various workshops.

The purpose of this forum is to open to exchanges of very high level and that can allow the African decision-makers and the international partners to answer the security challenges in Africa.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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