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Ebola: Africa CEO Forum 2015 relocated in Geneva

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Another great event planned on the African continent has just been relocated because of Ebola virus disease that rages in West Africa. Initially planned in Abidjan, the third Africa CEO Forum will finally be held in Geneva from 16th to 17th March 2015, according to a communiqué of from the organizers of the international meeting.

Though Ivory Coast has registered no victim of Ebola, Jeune Afrique Group and Rainbow Unlimited do not want to take any risk. Indeed, Ivory Coast shares its borders with Liberiea and Guinea, two countries seriously affected by the virus.

« This decision jointly taken with the chair of African Development Bank and the Ivory Coast authorities, expresses our will to guarantee the holding of the forum in the best conditions while the climate related to Ebola epidemic remains uncertain« , specified the communiqué. As reminder, ADB also postponed to a later date the festivities of its fiftieth anniversary that should have begun on 4th November 2014 in Ivory Coast.

As Africa Top Success reported it earlier, 8000 businessmen and decision-makers coming from Africa and elsewhere will participate in this meeting of exchange and sharing that will finally take place in the Swiss capital town (just like during the previous editions).

In spite of the relocation of the event, Ivory Coast will nevertheless be honored in Geneva. « Ivory Coast will be in the spotlight at the Africa CEO forum in March 2015. This participation will allow it to present its economic dynamism and investment opportunities to the community of financiers and leaders gathered in Geneva« , specified the communiqué.

Apart from Africa CEO forum 2015, several other events were either cancelled, or postponed; among others we can mention the International Trade Fair of Lomé, the Cycle Tour of Faso, the International Fair of Small Business or the India-Africa Summit.


Original textby: Roger ADZAFO

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