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Employment for the youth: Alassane Ouattara announces fundings soon

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The problem of employment for the young people will durably be settled with the next establishment of an institution endowed with a fund, announced the Head of State, Alassane Ouattara on Wednesday evening in his new year message.

« I know that the problem of employment, particularly the employment for the youth remains a real concern. That is why, I am personally committed to the employment policy and the creation of activities for the young people« , explained Mr. Ouattara.

According to him, there were important steps forward, with more than one million jobs created since his taking office, essentially in the agriculture and in informal sector.

« The diversification policy of our economy and the growing role by the private sector will contribute to develop the request in qualified personnel and to improve the employment situation« , he continued by promising that « we shall make so that the next years are the ones of full employment for the young people« .

« After the current situation and the inquiries realized during the year 2014, we can now announce the next implementation of an institution endowed with a fund to durably settle the problem of employment for the young people in our country« , added Alassane Ouattara.

He reminded that this preliminary work, « we did it with the UNDP (United Nations Development Program), which has a world experience on the subject« .


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