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Gabon: First regarding ITCS in Central and French-speaking Africa

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1168-TelThe International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has just revealed its last ranking of the most developed African countries according to its ITC Development Index (IDI).

The latter that combines 11 index into a single reference measure serving to watch over and compare the evolution of ICTS worldwide, place Maurice in the 1st position with an average of 5,22.

This index particularly takes into account fundamental indicators such as the access and the infrastructure, the access to ICTS and their use by the households and the private individuals, the access, the use of ICTS by companies, the use of ICTS by the administrations and other bodies of the public sector, etc.

Though it is outstripped by several countries of East Africa and Indian Ocean, Gabon stands in the 10th position in this ranking, with an IDI of 3,46 and 1st in the Central and French-speaking Africa.

For a very good reason, the country is one of these rare zones to offer the 4G.

With the support of the World Bank, it invested in infrastructures as optical fiber to develop the access to the High-speed Internet on the whole territory and towards its borders.

It’s in this context we should consider the connecting of the country to the Central Africa Backbone (CAB).

While waiting for the completion of this project, Gabon that accounts four telecoms operators, granted 3G and 4G licenses to Airtel and Gabon Telecom.

It also recently signed with the World Bank, an agreement for the connection to the submarine optical fiber cable, Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) in order to boost its internet capacity.

« But it is necessary to recognize that with a population of 1,6 million inhabitants compared with its neighbors that count the fourfold, even the tenfold, Gabon holds all the same some demographic advantage that allows it offering the high-speed internet to all its population« , analyzed an expert.


Original text by: Gabonreview

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