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Gold in Burkina: planning of a better marketing

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Government adopted a bill relative to the organization for the marketing of gold in Burkina Faso.

This bill has for objective to group and complete in one law the essential texts governing the marketing activities of gold in the country, with the aim of their good management.

This bill was passed on to the Parliament that should undoubtedly adopt it before 2015.

In 2013, the mining sector contributed at 19 % of the fiscal receipts of the country and the receipts of gold export reached 616 billion FCFA.

Over the period 2015-2017, the planning concerns a gold production from 50,4 tons in 2015, 52,3 tons in 2016 and 55,4 tons in 2017 and a national production of 100 000 tons of zinc all over the period.

Classified the fifth country the most attractive in Africa by the mining index 2012/2013 by the Canadian institute, Fraser Institute, Burkina Faso wants to continue enjoying a good reputation with investors.

A new mining code replacing the former dating of 2003, is moreover expected before 2015.

Original text by: APA

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