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IBK meeting Magic System: What did they talk about?

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Handshakes on Friday in Bamako between the « Magicians » and Ibrahim Boubacar Kéïta alias IBK as well shown on the group photo marking thus a meeting between the members of the famous Ivorian group, Magic system and the Malian president.

This meeting occurred a few hours before the starting up of two successive concerts in Bamako, Friday and Saturday, within the framework of a tour called « Africainement Tour« .

We should note that during Friday night, the group gave a private concert at CICB. The second was presented on Saturday at Sports center.

At the end of the interview for about ten minutes, the Malian Head of State encouraged Magic system for their « brilliant artistic career« , underlined a press release.

According to the communiqué, IBK besides congratulated the « 1er Gaou » with regard to the organization of Urban Musics Festival of Anoumabo (FEMUA) that he « attentively follows« .

The Malian President congratulated the vocal leader of the group, As’alfo for the renewal of his mandate as UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and his appointment as « Human Rights Goodwill Ambassador in Ivory Coast« .


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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