It has been awaited since 2010. It is henceforth available. The Congolese star Lokua Kanza has just published on Tuesday the video clip of « Famille« , a title recorded with the cooperation of the other idol of Congolese music Fally Ipupa.
The new video of Lokua Kanza is a call to express affection and tenderness to people we love when they are still alive. The artist condemned a phenomenon noticed in Africa which consists in waiting for death of the close relations before engaging colossal expenses in the organization of the funerals.
« Do not wait that they die and to come afterward to display your wealth.
Do not wait that they become suffering before showing your tenderness. When you are alive, show them ô how much you love them and what you carry for them in your heart.
All those of whom you are proud, tell them that you love them … Tell their « FAMILY, I LOVES YOU », said the artist in the song.
Kindly watch it…..
[youtube][/youtube] Original text by: Roger ADZAFO