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Accueil / Malawi: no alcoholic feeding-bottle in the street!

Malawi: no alcoholic feeding-bottle in the street!

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In Malawi, the phenomenon of selling alcohol in small bags is common enough, a situation that makes shout out a group of young people committed in a perpetual fight for a complete development of the country.

Indeed, the Young Achievers Development movement regrets the slowness of Malawian members of parliament with regard to a previous request submitted to the Parliament on this question.

The movement plans to be listened to by submitting to the Head of State, Peter Mutharika, a petition concerning the ban on selling alcohol in bags.

« The refusal of discussing the petition at the Parliament indicates that the authorities of this country choose to run away from their responsibilities towards the youth« , denounced the chairman of YAD, Jefferson Milanzie.

« No deserving leader could not be proud to be at the head of an alcoholic society« , added Milanzie.

Milanzie announced that YAD is also going to launch a « Red card campaign » against the sale of alcohol in bag within the framework of a sensitization day against alcoholism fatal effects on young people.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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