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OIF: the irreplaceable Abdou Diouf!

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Difficult to find a man having the stature of Abdou Diouf at the time of his succession at the head of the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF) is opened.

It is at least what can be said about this « great man » and former president of Senegal with regard to his « charisma« .

Questioned on the matter, the Mauritanian jurist, Mohamed El Hacen Ould Lebatt, the spokesman of La Francophonie in Burundi, answered in these terms: « I cannot say that he is irreplaceable. We can simply say that it is not easy to replace him in terms of stature, virtues and competence ».

During the summit of Dakar in next Novembe, the heads of States of the member countries of the OIF will appoint a successor to Abdou Diouf.

In the running for the succession, we note personalities such as the Canadian Michaëlle Jean, the Burundian Pierre Buyoya, the Congolese Henri Lopez and the Mauritian Jean-Claude de l’ Estrac.

The Mauritanian jurist underlined all the same that the latters « do not lack quality to defend this political dimension to which the Francophonie has come« .

Born on 7th September 1935 in Louga, Abdou Diouf is a Senegalese politician.

Former Prime Minister and successor of Léopold Sédar Senghor at the presidency of the Republic, he is at present the Secretary General of the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF).

The complete biography of the man in our next publications.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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