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Power cut in Nigeria: the solution by the new elected president

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Contrary to his discreet predecessor Goodlock Johnathan, when it is about topical questions, the new Nigerian president, Muhammadu Buhari seems to react quickly. During his nomination, the former General of the Nigerian army expressed his determination to put an end to the concerns of the Nigerians having power cut troubles.

« I shall not allow this kind of thing to continue. We shall identify the cheapest, the safest and the most efficient way to supply energy to the populations« , declared the Nigerian new president.

For Muhammadu Buhari, it is unbearable that the first economic power of Africa is plunged into darkness. « The energy situation is a national shame. It is not acceptable that an economy of 150 million people generates only 4000 MW of energy and supplies it even less« , he regreted.

The lack electrical energy in Nigeria has consequences on its neighbors of the sub-region. The Togolese authorities announced a few days ago the beginning of power cut situation in the country.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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