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Quality education in Togo: 15 billion FCFA more!

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Ended on 31st October 2014, the Education and Institutional Strengthening Project (PERI) has just benefited from a subsidy of 15 billion FCFA for 2015, within the framework of its second phase (PERI-2).

The financing of the project comes partially from the World Bank through a donation from the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

On Thursday in Lomé, the Togolese government and the World Bank (WB) proceeded to the signing of the agreement of the donation from GPE in the presence of the UNICEF Representative, Leader of the technical and financial partners of the education sector in Togo.

Documents were signed by Adji Otèth Ayassor, Minister of Finance and Hervé Assah, WB representative in Togo.

« By approving this new project for Togo, the GPE Board of directors chose to continue its support for the efforts from the Togolese Government to strengthen the education sector and allow all the sons of the country to have access to quality education« , declared Mr. Hervé Assah.

For Togolese Minister of Economy, « the PERI-2 will allow accelerating the progress of the country to reach a universal quality primary schooling and strengthen the institutional skills of the education sector« .

Mr. Ayassor was particularly delighted at the fact that the objectives of the project take into account the major concerns of the education sector.

« I stay confident that the new project will allow the government to continue the efforts undertaken regarding the raising of the educational offer and will allow a largest number of Togolese children to have access to quality education« , he asserted.

As a reminder, the PERI was designed to support the implementation of the first phase of the Education Sectorial Plan (PSE).

Within this context, the project mainly aims at increasing the school coverage, reducing drop-out in the primary cycle, improving the quality of teachings, and strengthening the skills of Ministries of Education and those of the profitable communities.

Created in 2002, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is the only multilateral mechanism to do so that all children from the poorest countries of the world can go to school and benefit from quality education.

It includes 60 developing countries and more than 30 bilateral, regional and international organizations, as well as development banks, private sector companies, teachers, local and world civil society groups.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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