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RFI Discovery Awards 2014: Nominees are listed

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Africa Top Success announced it earlier to you that registrations for the edition 2014 of the music competition organized by RFI started in April. Several hundred young candidates applied to succeed to the Burkinabe Smarty (whose real name is Louis Salif Kiekieta). Le site of the French radio station just published the official list of the 10 nominated selected for the final phase of the competition.

According to the same source, the jury for the competition will be chaired by the Congolese star, Fally Ipupa. The winner of the Prize will be known on 18th November 2014.

As a reminder, several famous names of African music were revealed by RFI Discovery Awards. The Ivorian Tiken Jah Fakoly (in 2000), the Senegalese Didier Awadi (in 2003) or the Malians Amadou and Mariam had already won the prestigious title.

List of the ten nominees for RFI Discovery Awards 2014
Albino Mbie (Mozambique)
Bobona (Burundi)
Ceuzany (Cape- Verde)
Idylle Mamba (Central Rpublic of Africa)
Ifé (Benin)
Krotal (Cameroon)
Marema (Mauritania-Senegal)
Oupta (Congo)
Richy (Uganda)
Shishani (Namibia)


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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