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Science & research: 70 African women obtain the AWARD 2014 grant

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70 African women agronomists have just benefited from a grant of the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) program. The prize-winners were selected during a workshop organized in the Kenyan capital. Coming from 11 countries of Africa, these scientific women and researchers will be taken care during two years within the framework of an improvement program.

The initiative aims at accelerating the agricultural profits by strengthening the skills of the prize-winners in research and leadership. The prize-winners were listed regarding their leadership and the impact of their works on the living conditions of the small farmers (women mainly).

« I heard about the AWARD grant for my first time in 2009. A colleague who was working in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine benefited from an AWARD grant. When I was informed at the end of 2014 that I was among the winners, I was overjoyed, happy and excited at the idea of belonging to this exceptional network of African scientists« , declared Olivia Carolina Pedro, Mozambican prize-winner.

AWARD is a program for professional improvement that helps exceptional women agronomists in sub-Saharan Africa to accelerate the agricultural profits by strengthening their skills in research and their leadership by tailored grants.

Click her for the prize-winners’ list


Original text by:Roger ADZAFO

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