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Accueil / Country / Central Africa / Equatorial Guinea / Security: African Union will have its intelligence service

Security: African Union will have its intelligence service

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The creation of an intelligence service connected with the African Union is one of the great decisions taken in Malabo (Equatorial Guinea) during the 12th conference of the Committee of Intelligence and Security of Africa (CISA).

The new entity will allow the African continent fighting efficiently against internal and extreme threats. The repetitive attacks from the Islamic sect, Boko Haram, will be one of the priorities of the team that the Equatorial-Guinean Minister for External Security, Juan Antonio Biang Nchuchuma, manages.

President Teodoro Obiang Nguema has promised to finance the infrastructure that should shelter the head office of the new intelligence service of the African Union in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). In 2004 Already, the Equatorial-Guinean president had set forwards the idea of the set up of this instrument that is highly missing in the biggest regional institution of Africa.

Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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