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Tam Tam: Internet for all in Africa

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Starting its 10 years, Africa Telecom Group has launched TamTam, a new economic model for high-speed Internet development in Africa.

TamTam is the first turnkey Hotspot system coupling satellite and Wi-Fi that allows each and every one to become closeness Internet service provider without any cost of operations other than the local energy necessary for its operation (60 watts).

« It seemed obvious to us that we should go beyond the current stage in order to serve more than 300 million Africans living in rural areas and totally isolated from connectivity, abandoned by operators« , indicated the chairman, Philippe Tintignac.

Every Tam Tam station has a capacity of 10 Mbit / s to serve users, and for which the Hotspot owner absolutely pays nothing. Any person who will install his Tam Tam system becomes a new partner for our network and is thus paid for every connection passing through his system.

Thanks to this model totally new, becoming Internet service provider was never so easier and cheaper. TamTam offers an opportunity of remunerative activity for thousands of people who will join us and also thus contribute to local development.

The very moderate cost of investment that can be financed, will allow absolutely spreading everywhere high-speed Internet in zones not covered by the classic operators. Governments can even find there a particularly effective use of the funds for access to the universal service if they want to help young people who will try to put a lot into this new activity.

As reminder, Africa Telecom Group initiated two years ago the marketing of the first offer for Internet connection by satellite in prepaid card without commitment.


Original text by: Avec APO

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