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Accueil / People / Tey by French-Senegalese Alain Gomis, projected at the United Nations

Tey by French-Senegalese Alain Gomis, projected at the United Nations

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Tey (Today), the dramatic movie of the French-Senegalese director Alain Gomis was in the spotlight at the United Nations on March 18th, 2014. This projection was within the context of the celebration of Francophony international day and the remembrance program for victims of transatlantic slavery trade. Gold standard at Fespaco last edition (Pan-African Festival of cinema and television of Ouagadougou), Tey drew back the sad fate reserved for Senegalese immigrants who came back earlier than wished by their families and close relations.

For the occasion, Alain Gomis was accompanied by Saül Williams, the main actor of the movie. The director, during the debates, enlightened the UN officials on the themes evoked in this fiction which got a real success all over the world. First African movie presented in competition in Berlin, Tey was rewarded in Milan, at the Festival of Carthage (Tunisia) and in Seattle (the United States).

After Tey, « Un cœur de lion » (A Heart of lion) a movie of another African, Boubacar Diallo will be projected on April 15th, 2014 at the United Nations.

Born in Paris in 1972, Alain Gomis got a master’s degree in film studies at Sorbonne. In 2001, he produced Afrance, his first movie that won the “Prix du public” during the 12th Festival of African cinema of Milan. In 2008 he brought out Andalucia, his second full-length film before Tey in 2013. Alain Gomis also produced several short films.

Short films
1999 : Tourbillons
2003 : Petite lumière
2006 : Ahmed

Full-length films
2001 : L’Afrance
2008 : Andalucia
2013 : Tey (Today) (Prix du public at International Film Festival of La Roche-sur-Yon 2012)


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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