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Yves Eya’a has: the young fashion developer in Cameroon

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yves-eyaYves Eya’a has do not regret his choice by deciding to come back to his country and share his rich experience with his fellow countrymen. Certified in the National Center of Dance of Paris, the young Cameroonian taught the contemporary dance before finding his vocation; fashion. He was famous at fashion and clothing union, Zily Mac Chillou where he was an assistant to the Director General before coming back to his country in 2010.
On his arrival, he created the Center of fashion designers of Cameroon (CCMC), promoter of fashion and design businesses Forum of Yaoundé which is at its 5th edition this year. The center regularly organizes workshops on technique, economy, manufacturing and legal status of fashion.
In order to help Cameroonians passionate of fashion to blossom out, Yves Eya’a and his center offers chance to 13 young creators to be known every year. Florence Oloumou Amanounga, one of Yves Eya’a’s godson, obtained this year a scholarship of French Institute of Paris. She will do three months of training course of apprenticeship with Imane Ayissi.
For this year, fashion and design businesses Forum of Yaoundé will be held from 2nd to 15th June 2014. Placed under the theme « fashion and economic development », the meeting of exchange and sharing will see the participation of thirteen young creators and other professionals of the business.
« We are already in full preparation and I can’t hide it to you. Imane Ayissi, as last year, is going to assure the artistic direction of the forum. The Berlin school will be back with a new collection. You will also have pleasure to see « the obom » revisited by German and I guarantee you that it is something extraordinary! And we have other creators coming from Senegal and Nigeria. We shall give you more details as things are moving forward », indicated Yves Eya’a in an interview granted to the Cameroonian site

Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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