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27th April: South Africa commemorates its Feedom Day

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April, 27th is a date full of history in the life of South African people. In 1994, four years after Nelson Mandela’s release, South Africans of all participated to what is a democratic election. All people went to ballot boxes to elect the first Black president of South Africa. This vote was the solution to the profound social crisis that was looming ahead. For many historian, April, 27th 1994 marked the end of apartheid regime.

« Today is a day different from any other one before. The vote for our first free and just election began. Today it is the dawn of our freedom », declared Nelson Mandela, died on 5th December 2013.

The man considered as « African Gandhi » did not want to maintain the cycle of violence in spite of his 27 years of imprisonment. The election of 27th April so crowned the sacrifices of Black people of South Africa in their fight for freedom and equality.

For the 20th celebration of date, President Jacop Zuma declared Monday as public holiday extending thus the program of festivities. The controversial president is candidate to his own succession for presidential election of the coming 7th May.

Even if for many analysts he will be reelected, it is necessary to remind that his political party ANC is divided more than ever. Executives of the party, close to Nelson Mandela as Ronnie Kasrils straight called up to boycott of the ballot. The Anglican archbishop Desmond Tutu asserted several times that he would not vote any more for ANC party.


 Original text by: Roger ADZAFO


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