Air Côte Ivoire Airline Company intends to operate inside as well as outside Ivory Coast.
In order to realize this, it just purchased two new aircrafts bi-turboprops Q400 NextGen for a purchasing contract for 140 million dollars of an excellent commercial profitability.
According to the managing staff of the company, « these devices are going to develop the capacity of the company to serve the great number of destinations« .
Cities as San Pedro, Bouaké, Korhogo, and Man will thus be the first served cities.
With these new generation aircrafts, the fleet of Air Côte Ivoire henceforth counts a total of 6 aircrafts in addition to 3 Airbuses A-319 and 1 Embraer 170 for the strong regional network of 18 lines from Abidjan.
Original text by: Blaise AKAME