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Comoros: Energy crisis, priority n°1 for the ADB

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How to help the Comoros to overcome the serious electricity shortage that has paralyzed the economic and commercial activity for years?

That is the major concern of the African Development Bank (ADB) that made it its priority number 1 according to its manger, Donald Kaberuka, whose mandate will expire within some few days.

During a two day mission and in front of the press last Tuesday evening, the latter indicated that « the ADB wants to concentrate its action on the production, the improvement of the distribution network, the management, as well as the development of the alternative energies« .

Africa N°1 underlined that up to date, the Project for the support to the energy sector in the Comoros (Pasec) by the ADB is in its implementation phase, with about 20,7 million dollars, according to the site of the bank. The help should particularly serve the rehabilitation of the dilapidated electricity network, and promote the renewable energies, while a project of geothermal power production around the Karthala volcano is under study by New Zealand experts.

The Comoran water and electricity company (Mamwé) should be capable of producing energy at an affordable price, underlined again Mr. Kaberuka, in presence of the vice-president in charge of the Economy and Finances, Mohamed Ali Soilihi, eventual candidate for the presidential election 2016.

Outside Moroni, the capital town, and some surrounding localities, electricity has become a rare product.


 Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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