Countries of East Africa want to unite their efforts to make of their region, the number 1 of ICTS in Africa. Representatives of political leaders and industrialists of this region of Africa met in Nairobi (Kenya) for the creation of a common Internet exchange platform.
« East African States need a point of common Internet exchange to strengthen the flow, extend connectivity and solve critical matters as those of cost and safety (…) The implementation of a common Internet exchange platform became imperative because countries make a priority for the adoption of e-commerce services and computerized public services », indicated Joseph Tiampati, Kenyan main secretary at the ministry of Information technologies.
East Africa States community will be inspired by the case of Rwanda and Kenya, pioneers on the subject. The country of Paul Kagame, in spite of the genocide of 1994 which decimated near one million people, is considered by World Bank as the second country convenient to business in Africa. With its ambitious project « Rwanda 2020 », the country wants to base its economy on information and communication technologies (ICTS).
Kigali which aims to be the capital of technology in continuous Africa, has a Klab made up)of eleven starts-up. These spaces equipped with WiFi allow young entrepreneurs to share ideas and to think about ICTS development. The partnership tied up by Klab of Rwanda with the campus of research for the university Carnegie Mellon is a pride for its director.
« I have entrepreneurs, a world-famous university, technological companies and infrastructure had hoc. That reminds me of a mini Silicon Valley », indicated the director, Michael Bezy.
The ambition of Kigali impresses ICTS international experts. « The best asset of technological strategy of Rwanda is its audacious vision of future. It is a small country which likes aiming high. Big projects attract people, and it is all the advantage of Rwanda », indicated Carter Crockett, founder of Entrepreneurial Leadership Center.
One of the obstacles that the project of East Africa States community could face is population poverty. This situation is aggravated by unequal wealth distribution. In Rwanda for example, 10 % of richest people earn 3, 2 times the income of 40 % of the poorest inhabitants, according to a report of 2011 from Society for International Development.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO