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IPA 2014: 75 million F CFA for each future prize-winner

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320-_MG_2595The 4th edition of the Innovation Prize for Africa (IPA) was just launched by the African Foundation for Innovation (AFI).

The objective of this competition is to encourage innovation on the continent. In other words, the Innovation Prize for Africa intends to give chance to the innovators by palliating the lack of financing that makes the innovation infertile.

« The objective of this prize is to mobilize and give to the innovators and the most brilliant entrepreneurs of the continent, means in order to concretize Africa and its potential », indicated Jean-Claude Bastos de Morais, the founder of AFI and the promoter of IPA.

« IPA received more than 2 000 innovators’ applications coming from 48 countries during its first three years. With the edition 2015, its investments in favor of the sustainable African innovation will exceed half million US dollars », underlined Mr. Jean-Claude Bastos de Morais.

For this edition, the emphasis will be put on diverse and varied sectors such as agriculture and agribusiness, environment, energy and water, health and well-being, of information and communication technologies (ICTS) as well as manufacturing industry and services.

In order to hope to appear among prize-winners, candidates will have to show ingenuity by keeping in mind the evaluation criteria that are originality, existence of markets, evolution capacities, social impact and scientific and technical aspects.

Prize-winners will share an amount of 150 000 dollars or a little more than 75 million FCFA.

AFI moreover invited all investors, governments and other stakeholders wishing to estimate, invest and optimize the resources of the continent to participate in this innovative initiative.

Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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