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Benin: Yayi Boni says no to a third term

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The recent declaration from the Beninese president, Yayi Boni, hits the headlines of the national and sub-regional press. The president, to whom his opponents impute motives to revise the constitution to run for a third term, has just ended rumors.

« My name will no more appear any on any ballot paper in the future« , declared the Beninese president on RFI. At the head of Benin since 2006, Thomas Yayi Boni will come to end of his second term in 2016. If he no more plans to compete for his own succession, he nevertheless intends to revise the constitution in order to include the non-applicability of statutory limitation of the economic crimes in it.

The decision from the Beninese president to say no to the third term should inspire other African heads of States who try by all means to stay in power sinking their countries into economic and sociopolitical crises.

The Beninese voted last Sunday to choose their members of parliament. The general election supposed to constitute a test for the presidential election took place without violence. A bad organization regarding the distribution of polling cards is however regretted.

Original text by:Roger ADZAFO

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