The list of candidates for the succession of the former Burkinabe president, Blaise Compaoré, is getting long. The latest and the most surprising candidate is the artist Zêdess.
Of his real name Seydou Zongo, Zêdess is listed among the famous reggae artists of Burkina Faso. Former member of the Band of the University of Ouagadougou, he starts his artist career in 1990.
In 2007, he is revealed to the world denouncing in one of his songs, the immigration policy by President Nicolas Sarkozy. « Un Hongrois Chez Les Gaulois » (A Hungarian At The Gauls), broadcast in a loop on several international media at that time.
His candidacy is more likely a spoilsport than « serious »: « I would like the public opinion understand that each of the 17 million inhabitants of Burkina-Faso can write a blueprint for society« , he declared on BBC Africa site.
Before him, other African artists also tried to compete for the highest office of their countries. We can list the Ivorian humorist, Adama Dahico, and recently the Senegalese star,Youssou N’dour.
As a reminder, the Burkinabe will vote on the coming 11th October to elect the successor of the former President Blaise Compaore chased away from the power in 2014 by a popular uprising.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO