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Femua 8: artists singing for peaceful elections in Africa

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Elections are planned in 2015 in several African countries. Nigeria has just eperienced a peaceful political change appreciated by all. But the holding and the outcome of other African ballots seem more uncertain.

The UNO was even worried last Wednesday about the « position taken » by Burundi before general election and presidential election planned in May and June.

Elections are also taking place this year in Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Togo and Guinea.

Considered thus as opinion leaders, famous artists intend to contribute to peacebuilding and democratic experiences in these electoral processes through music.

Outside the 8th edition of the of the Urban Music Festival of Anoumabo (Femua) that will be held from 21st to 26th April in Abidjan, A’Salfo, the leader of the Ivorian group, Magic System, and the promoter of the festival, does not intend « to stand idly in front a very controversial electoral current events in both Congo (DRC and Congo – Brazzaville), Burkina and Togo« .

« Music will thus federate vibrations to lower tension and deliver a message on calm elections« , supported A’Salfo, ambassador of Unesco for the elimination of illiteracy and the development of peace since 2012.

The group is surrounded this year by about ten African artists namely: Fally Ipupa (DR Congo), Freshlyground (South Africa), Joel Sebunjo (Uganda), Bracket (Nigeria), Philip Monteiro (Cape Verde), Habib Koité (Mali) or Smarty (Burkina Faso ).

Femua 8 will take essentially place at Anoumabo, a poor area of Abidjan where Magic System took root.

« We are going to deliver a message from the ghetto from where leave the protests start to spread over the country« , declared to AFP, the singer A’Salfo.

Let us remind that the district of Anoumabo saw Magic System taking root, the star group of the Ivorian music, which since its successful « Premier Gaou« , progresses from hits to hits in Africa and Europe.

Original text by:Blaise AKAME

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