The first International Forum on peace and security in Africa held in Dakar a few days ago ended with a note of satisfaction in spite of the fact that the African Union does not appreciate the French diplomacy to have been co-organizer of the event.
According to the participants, this Forum was the opportunity for a constructive dialogue.
It was also the opportunity for the Heads of States to tackle the question of terrorism in Libya; a topic that aroused hot exchanges about the responsibility of the Alliance for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the downfall of Kadhafi.
It was the same story from the organizers who congratulate themselves on the success of the forum in spite of the exchanges that were stormy.
For Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French Minister of Defence, the forum was a success even if the African Union (AU) was reluctant at the idea of seeing France co-organizing this meeting.
« Today, Africa is facing movements always more radicalized. The fight against these movements requires the identification of the social faults into which terrorists are located« , declared the chairman of the Pan-African Institute of strategy, Cheikh Tidiane, at the end of the works.
Original text by: Blaise AKAME