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Senegal: Releasing more the electronic commerce

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The e-commerce should be more valued in Senegal, declared last Friday in Dakar, Mr. Alioune Sarr, the Minister of the Trade during a press conference.

Mr. Sarr met the journalists at the end of a visit of the premises of the Trade Point Senegal foundation and a training workshop for the women business managers in the field of the on-line marketing.

« It is an excellent initiative to show to the brave women business managers how to be visible on the local and international markets and how to release the potential of their products on these markets« , suggested Mr. Sarr.

According to him, the dynamics of the women who bustle about the E-commerce sector is an excellent thing to be encouraged « because if you take the world market of the economy, trade plays a more and more central role« .

The minister pointed out besides that it was necessary to place the interest of this training in the context of the Senegal emergent Plan (PSE) where the governmental authorities try to value the national production.

« We are trying to be self-sufficient in the domain rice, tomato, of the potato, the onion and the services also« , particularly supported Mr. Sarr according to whom it is important to have service provisions just like the training of the women of the E-commerce that value the economy and allow the customers of Senegal to know its potential; « what allows going to the competition which is the characteristic of the global economy« , he set forward.


Original text by: APA News

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