Behind the beauty and the charm of this young lady from Ivory Coast, lies a businesswoman who is getting ready to revolutionize mentalities in Ivory Coast. On 31st July 2014, Isabelle Boblai will officially launch in Abidjan, the fair of creativity and products « Made in Côte d’Ivoire », (MICI on 2014).
For the representative of Airstar in Ivory Coast, time has come to value productions of Ivory Coast. « We decided to create a platform which major objective is to show, value and privilege the skills of people of Ivory Coast in all its variety: industry, service, craft, etc. in order to encourage thus the production and the consumption of products locally made« , she explained.
On the whole, about hundred exhibitors will take part in the fair that will last three days. Isabelle Boblai does not doubt about the success of his event. She is moreover pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome reserved by the population for the commercial phase of the operation that has already started.
Isabelle Boblai announced for the MICI 2014 program, six conferences and workshops. 300 000 guests are awaited in the event. « Our expectations are expressed in terms of quality on one hand and on the other, by the presence of a full variety of exhibitors SME and heavy industries« , she clarified.
Isabelle Boblai is owner of a Consulting Company in Communication and a Consulting in Strategy of Development. She is also board member of the Turkish Chamber of Commerce in Ivory Coast, in charge of Public relations, Mines, Energy and Petroleum.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO