Maroc Telecom, important partner of the 9th edition of Agriculture International fair in Morocco (SIAM) announced on Monday, 28th April 2014 the creation of « Fine Laazib« , a software which will facilitate life of Moroccan breeders. According to the first telecommunication company in Morocco, the application is adapted to dromedaries and goats breeders. The latter can be henceforth informed about the number of animals that can be fed regarding the existing pasture zones.
Breeders will no more need to make tour of pastures to have all this information. The software takes care to communicate all this to its master by SMS or by Internet. For Morocco which believes in its agriculture and breeding, this software just came at the right moment.
According to Maroc Telecom, « Fine Laazib« , answers not only to the matter of facilitating pastoral activity but also answers to an environmental need. Pastures will be better managed with the new software; this with the aim of protecting environment.
The second product presented by Maroc Telecom at the 9th SIAM is called « WifiPub » that is a space equipped with WiFi where connection to Internet is free. Internet users are however obliged to view an advertisement of 10 seconds before having access to the network. The new product will be installed in public arenas as cafés, inns or restaurants. The innovation of the product is that it allows the announcers to locate more easily users.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO
ECOWAS Center of Gender Development (CCDG) based in Dakar, granted scholarships of excellence to 17 Senegalese girls. The institution which makes equality of opportunity between Man and Woman a major concern, intends to encourage feminine gender to be interested in scientific domains.
Comings from region of Dakar, Thiès and Diourbel, 17 profitable girls of the scholarships from Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) were chosen for their brilliant study path in scientific and technical domains. Beyond excellence, the girls of secondary schools chosen are also poor persons. The value of the scholarships which varies between 300 000 and 500 000 FCFA will help the recipients to continue their studies.
« Education of girls has a positive impact on woman promotion as far as it is going to favorably participate in economic and social development of a country (…) Education socially and economically strengthens power of women and girls, their capacities to transform society and to create the best living conditions for all at family level and various community and national levels », indicated Marie Françoise Wininga, representative of CCDG.
Senegalese Minister of Family and Childhood, Anta Sarr praised the initiative of ECOWAS which just strengthened the efforts of government to assure education for all.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO