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Accueil / Country / West Africa / Burkina Faso / Ivory Coast: Government has announced reorganization of banking sector

Ivory Coast: Government has announced reorganization of banking sector

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Public banks of Ivory Coast will have reorganization. Ivory Coast government recruited in 2013 PricewaterhouseCoopers cabinet to fine a strategy to be implemented. The institution deposited its report which was confirmed by the committee of privatization. In a meeting on this 5th May in Abidjan, the cabinet meeting adopted the communication of Kaba Nialé, the Minister delegated with the Prime Minister in charge of Economy and Finances, concerning reorganization of public banking sector.

Three banks of Ivory Coast will keep their status of public banking institution. They are National Bank of Investment (BNI), National Fund of Savings Banks (CNCE) and Bank of Property of Ivory Coast (BHCI).

Government of Ivory Coast will on other hand privatize Agriculture Financing Bank (BFA), Versus Bank, Ivory Coast Company of bank (SIB) and BIAO.

The spokesman Ivory Coast government Bruno Koné, reaffirmed the policy of Ivory Coast that is disengagement of government. « There are two logics: certainly, we are in a free market economy and government will continue its strategy of disengagement in productive sectors for the benefit of private sector; but government will keep a presence in banking sector to accompany its activities and finance development of the country », he indicated in the columns of Jeune Afrique magazine.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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