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Solar energy: the biggest power plant of Africa will be Ghanaian

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Ghana will inaugurate in October 2015 the biggest power plant of solar energy of Africa. With a production capacity of 155 Mw, the country which economy is growing fast (GDP 14 % in 2011), would so end up with the problem of energy dependence from which several African countries are suffering.

The project is doubtless the most ambitious in Africa in the field of the solar energy. 183 hectares of Aiwiaso village (West of Ghana) will be exploited for the installation of the energy power plant. The execution of the Nzema project, estimated at 400 million dollars (approximately 306 million euros), is assigned to the British « Blue Energy ». « Nzema will be completely operational in 2015 and will have a power of 155 Mw, what will make of it one of the biggest world power plants because only three power plants have power higher than this one« , had indicated the English group.

All in all, more than 630.000 photovoltaic panels will be installed on the site of the project. Nzema presents other advantages on the economic plan. According to the Ghanaian authorities, the power plant will be a stimulating element of employment in Ghana. The project will create 500 permanent jobs and 200 during the building of the power plant. According to the press, 2100 jobs in the local economy will be boosted (subcontracting of activities).

As reminder, Ghana exclusively depends on hydroelectric power plants, exposing climatic hazards (fall in production in case of drought).


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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