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Martinique: Grammar school certificate got at 16 years old with an average mark of 20/20

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The young Gauthier Michel is making the pride of his family and all Martinique. At the age of 16 years old, he appeared among the three first of classes for the year 2014 for the high school diploma with a perfect average mark of 20/20. The piece of news announced by the rectorship of the school of the young boy raised scenes of enjoyment in the small family of this genius of promising future.

« I got a shock. I put down the telephone and it was a strong emotion. I started crying, crying and crying again. Precautions should be taken before casting good news like that », declared Catherine Michel, mother of the young Gauthier, very touched.

For the concerned also, the piece of news remains a surprise. « I did not expect it because there were many excellent pupils in the class« , he declared. And nevertheless Gauthier did not make any extraordinary effort to obtain his High school diploma in sciences. Only biology and philosophy occupied the major part of his revision time.

Next year, he will join a preparatory school in mathematics in Lyon where he will try to achieve his dream of becoming a researcher in applied mathematics.excellent


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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