South Africans, crazy about aeronautics, intend to send the first space vehicle 100 % African onto the moon.
Initiated by the Foundation for Space Development (Cape Town, South Africa), the « Africa2Moon » project, according to its promoters, aims at arousing the interest of the African young people for the scientific and technological studies.
The project will also allow holding back the « brain drain » (highly qualified persons) towards the developed countries. In order to implement this, the foundation requires 150.000 dollars to make the feasibility study of the « Africa2Moon » project. For the moment, the team succeeded in collecting 13199 dollars on the Internet.
The Foundation for Space Development is created in 2009 by the manager of laboratory, Peter Martinez. The recent technological innovations registered on the African continent consolidate the South African team in its idea of realization of the most ambitious African technological project.
« The poorest continent of the world recently marked a great international scientific step in 2012 with the construction of the biggest telescope of the world in South Africa« , this is what can be read on the site of the foundation.
The promoters of the « Africa2Moon » project abstain from requesting the state aid or from the foreign countries.
Original text by: Roger ADZAFO