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Air transport: Madagascar won the «Best marketing» prize

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Madagascar would have showed its ability in the contribution of the air transport in the development of tourism in other African countries.

A gratitude that worth to it last week, the « Best marketing » prize during the 9th forum of « ROUTES AFRICA » that is recently held in Zimbabwe with the support of the World Bank, around the theme: « The growth of the aviation sector« .

Opened by the Zimbabwean vice-president Joice Mujuru, the forum gathered about 300 delegates of 40 airline companies, 50 airports and 30 tourism operators.

A Malagasy delegation jointly led by Ministers of Tourism, Benjamina Ramanantsoa and Transport, Ulrich Andriantiana, was thus honored during the official reception at the Victoria Falls.

It resulted from this meeting that « the contribution of Africa is only 2, 3 % as regards to passengers of the world aviation« .

« The aviation sector of Africa is confronted with challenges such as the poor safety condition, the restrictive of visa system, the high costs of operations, the lack of infrastructures and the political instability« , indicated the Secretary General of the Association of the African airline companies, Elijah Chingosho.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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