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Cameroon: the First lady launches a citizenship educational campaign

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« All citizens » is the national citizenship educational campaign launched by the Cameroonian First lady, Chantal Biya, in favor of the young people.

The event is situated in the context the festivities marking the Youth National Day, the climax being planned on 11th February of this year all over the national territory.

According to the steering committee, the idea is to promote the excellence and arouse the healthy competition in the youth environment.

The concept is thus constituted by a card game presented in the form of boxes containing a series of questions-answers engraved on cards in the national colors (green-red-yellow).

There are a total of 20 participants in the game or 2 per region who are boarders from the secondary schools, selected on the basis of their performances of the last ranking by the National office of the high school diploma.

Kindly note that the tests are contained in 10.000 boxes among which 7000 in French, 2800 in English and the rest in Braille, and the questions concern the history of the country, its values and symbols, the environmental protection, the social life or the morality.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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