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Congo: ICTS at the heart of the 2nd fair of banks

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The Information and Communication Technologies are henceforth essential in the development of any company. Banks and financial institutions of Congo, in order to adapt themselves to nowadays realities, are meeting from 09th to 11th October in Pointe-Noire around the theme « Bancarisation via ICTS« .

The Information and Communication Technologies will occupy an important place during the second edition of the Fair of Banks of Congo. The choice of the theme « Bancarisation via ICTS » is evocative. New tools as mobile bank and e-services that are developing on the continent obliging banks and Congolese financial institutions to adapt themselves to the international standards in order to effectively stand against competition.

Except the main theme, other modules such as « bank and ICTS », « micro finances and ICTS », « insurances and ICTS » will also be in the program.

As reminder, the debates during the last edition for the fair of Banks of Congo concerned the participation of Congolese banks in the realization of the emerging Congo project.


Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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