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FIFA: Africa supports Sepp Blatter

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While he is getting his candidacy ready for his own succession at the head of the FIFA, which election will be held the next 29th May, Sepp Blatter will be supported by all the 54 African countries.

«Africa is behind him. He is very popular here. (…) He has done much for the continent. He set up financial assistance programs, and his Goal Project helped to develop our infrastructures. And this, the Europeans cannot understand it. He gave a boost to our football», said Kwesi Nyantakyi, Chairm of the Ghanaian Football Federation who is also a member of the Executive Committee of the CAF.

«The whole continent will support him’, confirmed the South African, Molefi Oliphant, who also sits at the CAF. «We already officially announced this at the meeting of Rio de Janeiro».


Original text by: Star Africa

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