The African Social Forum (FSA) of Dakar was « an important stage to create alliances towards Tunis 2015« , asserted on Saturday, Alexandre Seron, regional manager for the campaign « Cultivons » by OXFAM NGO, for whom this meeting got a success.
« I think that the African Social Forum of Dakar was a launchpad to prepare the World Social Forum of Tunis in 2015 (25th to 29th March)« , indicated Mr. Seron, making an assessment of this event that took place at the International Center of Foreign Trade of Senegal (CICES) from 15th to 19th October 2014.
« Dakar is a very important stage to continue federating energies, gathering actors towards Tunis« , he insisted.
For this manager for OXFAM NGO, FSA of Dakar that ended on Sunday was « a success« .
« It is a success because we were able to update one of our political positions with regard to the campaign: Cultivons« .
« We were able to discuss with actors from various countries as Gambia, Mauritania, Congo in order to see where we are with land grabbing. This meeting also was the opportunity of speaking again about commercial questions with APE (Economic partnership Agreements) and the fate of farmers« , he specified very delighted.
The campaign « Cultivons » aims at promoting family farming, according to its regional manager, Alexandre Seron.
« Discussions we had in Dakar allowed us to update the analysis and the consideration of these continental stakes. From Monday, we are going to lean on these reflections in order to rebuild and refocus on the future of the campaign Cultivons« , he informed.
Original text by: Blaise AKAME