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Ghana-Gambia: an agreement to train 3000 teachers in mathematics

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Very often synonym of headaches, mathematics is nevertheless essential, not only during schooling, but also later in life.

Many jobs created during these recent years are the result of technological and scientific innovations.

The teaching of mathematics in Africa thus prepares learners for this challenge.

It is within this context that the Ghanaian and Gambian authorities signed a protocol of agreement at the end of which « more than 3000 teachers spread all over Gambia will get training in mathematics« .

The announcement was made by the Gambian Ministry for basic Education.

According to Adama Jimba Jobe in charge of sciences and technology at the Ministry of basic Education, who expressed himself on Wednesday in Banjul, the main objective of this training is to allow an effective teaching of the subject in the country.

« When the time comes, there would be real changes in schedules allocated for teaching of the math in Gambia« , reassured Mr. Jobe.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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