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Island Africa Talent: …and the winner is Deenyz!

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Unsurprisingly, Deenyz from Madagascar has just won the Island Africa Talent competition, a Pan-African French-speaking reality show intended for 200 million potential televiewers, the first edition for this French-speaking Reality Show.

This coronation of the young Madagascan confirms the immense talent of the inhabitants of this island. We remember that her fellow countryman, D-Lain, was the prize-winner during the Castel live Opéra, a TV program of the same type held in 2012 in Ivory Coast.

Deenyz thus outstrips the Cameroonian, Danielle (2nd) and the (3rd) Congolese, Bill, the only man in the finalist trio of this competition.

The performance of the future music star was really remarkable during her two presentations, shaken all the same in semi-final by her competitor, Danielle.

« I should thank you charming public, my coaches, the members of jury: David Monsoh, Didier Awadi and Barbara Kanam. God blesses you all« , said the prize-winner quite moved holding the check for 5 millionf FCFA she has just won.

For his part, the Congolese, Bill, recognized that his two presentations were not as high as the expectations of the public but was all the same proud to have held out till the final.

This final is the first great media and musical show produced by Universal Music Group and Code Films, pioneers of the contents creation in sub-Saharan Africa.

This TV reality show was broadcast on A +, the new Pan-African channel of Canal+, and on 15 African national channels.

The voters during the game initiated at the very beginning of this competition by Africa Top Success‘s editorial staff, thus bet on the good horse.

Find out the results of the votes HERE


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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