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Accueil / Business / Marketing: Mark-log, the new concept of Guelem Consulting Group of Congo

Marketing: Mark-log, the new concept of Guelem Consulting Group of Congo

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The cabinet of the Guelem Consulting Group (GCG) organized on 21st June in Brazzaville, a seminar aiming at popularizing its initiatives and concepts on the global management of the supply chain.

Last January, during the first edition, the mark-log concept, centered on the businesses of logistics and marketing synchronization in a company, was developed by the same cabinet. The initiative of Guelem Consulting Group to popularize the new concepts is a way of asserting its leadership in the domain in Congo and of working at the social integration of the young people. Moreover, a draft agreement between the GCG and the ministry of the Technical education and the training leading to a qualification is planned. Every six months the cabinet plans to propagate the new concepts.

During this 2nd edition, themes of the kind: « management of the supply chain », « quality management », « international marketing », « economic intelligence », « transport and airport management » or « safety management in the transport of oil products » were developed in front of a vast public essentially composed of students, businessmen and persons in charge of companies.

« We join the optics of training and assuring an in-service training of our seminarists. At the end of our seminars, we can put efficient executives at the disposal of the ministry. We are in the optics of creating the logi-Africa community, meaning developing the logistic system by establishing logistic offices at the level of the continent » explained Fred Boris Ngandzadi Saminou, logistician engineer, manager of the GCG.

The cabinet of the Guelem Consulting Group is in charge of logistics, transit and marketing operations. At present, the GCG is established in Congo, Gabon and Senegal.



Original text by: Roger ADZAFO

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