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Africa: E-commerce greatly increasing on the continent

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The e-commerce is « greatly increasing » on the African continent and could, by 10 years, constitute 10 % of retail sales of the biggest African economies, says the « Global e-commerce Logistics 2015 study.

« The advent of the e-commerce revolutionizes the local logistic practices and the physical distribution networks« , notes the study of which APA New got a copy.

According to the document, thanks to this type of business and its logistics, consumers henceforth have access to a variety of products they can buy on a simple click.

« They are more and more numerous to expect an immediate delivery, what increases the importance of logistics« , according to the document, that besides underlines that this situation encourages in its turn retailers and logistics suppliers to look for new initiatives to improve the delivery services and offer competitive advantages.

The study continues that the e-commerce progressing quickly on the continent, numerous companies still try to determine what this development will mean for the infrastructures of their distribution network.

« When the e-commerce entered the market, the practical side consisting in being capable of buying a product without going out prevailed« , informs the document.

The e-commerce besides makes the happiness of the consumers living in peripheral areas and having difficulty of access to traditional stores.


Original text by:Blaise AKAME

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