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Africa: Mobile Banking will weigh about 900 billion FCFA within 4 years

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According to a study published by the strategy consulting international cabinet, BCG (Boston Consulting Group), while the Africans will use their mobiles to pay their invoices or send money to their close relations, the Mobile Banking prosperous market could reach a value of 1.5 billion dollar within 4 years.

The report supports that the Africans are looking for more adapted ways to borrow and save money and that the mobile will allow several people taking advantage from these services for the first time.

In fact, although offers by the Mobile Banking emerge almost everywhere in the world, the African market presents specific characteristics.

To a young population still less bancarized (less than 30 % according to the study), is added a mobile penetration rate in constant progress to make of Africa an especially fertile land for this new model of banking services.

Over 10 countries that are the greatest users of the Mobile Banking, 8 are African nations.

The cabinet estimates at 400 million, the number of people who will have a mobile in the sub-Saharan Africa in 2019 and will be, thanks to their income, likely to benefit from banking services.

Among them, 149 million only will use a conventional bank. It will thus remain, according to the cabinet, 251 million people to be bancarized via the mobile on a low-cost model, what gives a good image of the size of the market to conquer.

Click HERE for the report.


Original text by: Blaise AKAME

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