We are getting ready to witness what could represent an electoral revolution in Africa.
Indeed, more than 1,1 million voters are called to elect their President and their members of parliament on the coming 28th November.
And you should make sure that they will vote in polling booth on touch-sensitive screens coming from India.
That is what can revolutionize the electoral sector in Africa. The Namibian voters will thus be the first in Africa to experience the electronic vote.
By involving ICTS in its electoral process, Namibia intends to end up with expensive and archaic procedures, late and fraudulent results leading to revolts and uprisings.
We should note that all the political parties agreed on the use of machines with touch-sensitive screen and the electorate is confident of a vote without troubles having tested the machines in the recent months during three special elections.
« It is a great progress for Namibia and the African continent in general« , said proudly Nontemba Tjipueja, the president of the Namibian election board.
« There will not be spoilt ballots or rejected. Every vote will matter« , added Mrs. Tjipueja, while about 12 000 ballot papers were rejected in 2009.
« The results will come out the same day just after the closure of the polling booths« , she said, planning a proclamation within 24 hours, instead of four or five days previously, or longer in other countries of Africa.
Original text by: Blaise AKAME